Whenever I work (especially 3 in a row) all I can think about it eating and sleeping so not much else gets done.
Today I have lots of random thoughts and in the spirit of one of my fave blogs I'm just gonna let y'all know whats on my mind...
Too bad it won't look as pretty as hers. (I need to learn how to add color and stuff to this thing)
Here we go
I CANNOT wait to leave for Vegas in 2 days! All that's left to do it pack, and pick up some last minute things from Target...and find someone to share Charli responsibility with Britt (even though I haven't even told Britt that I'm accepting her offer!)

I just spent about $30 on new music to travel with including the Hope for Haiti and randomly the newest Train album. I haven't listened to Train since about high school but I really enjoy their new song and the previews I heard of the others! I can't wait to listen to the whole thing!

In the past two months I have finished reading the Lovely Bones and Dear John and I want someone to go see both movies with me! My sister saw The Lovely Bones last night with her hubs and said I should not go see it alone cuz it's a little creepy. I'm sure I'll hate both movies cuz they won't be as good as the books but I still want to see them!

The new shows Life Unexpected and The Deep End are super fabulous and I can't wait to watch more of them!

I went to the bank today and took $800 out of my savings account. It was sad to see the money leave my beloved account and it was also scary to be holding a large wad of cash. The whole time I had it I felt like I was going to be robbed at any second!

My new boots from Nordstrom came in the mail yesterday and I'm so sad cuz my left one fits beautifully, but my right bum foot is all big and fat and the boot doesn't fit! I'm so disappointed and need to find a way to shrink that right calf!

I don't want to go to work tonight...I'm tired...and CVVH (I know you don't know what the means) but it's exhausting! Although the upstairs neighbor just started playing super loud music and the bass is shaking my ceiling so maybe it's good I'm going!

I think that might be most of the random thoughts...sorry if it's boring but such is my life...my next post will probably be about Vegas baby!
Peace out kiddos!