Monday, August 30, 2010

Life....Oh Life...

That was a song that we heard at a karaoke bar in Aachen during our European adventure...It was fun to sing along to...

And right now it's all I can think off....

It's really stressing me out that I don't know what is going on with my life after today. Tomorrow Erin and I fly out to Cali to get our nursing license taken care of. We will be out there for a grand total of 25 hours. After that our fingers are crossed that we get a job there!!

This weekend I went home to hang out with the fam just incase we have to up and leave at the drop of a hat. It was super nice to go home!

On Sat I got my hair did by my lovely middle sister at the fantastic family discount price! It's soooo nice to have my dark hair back! I missed it so much!

Sunday was spent getting Hannah all geared up for her first day of college! Holy crapola my youngest sister started college! Nuts!!

On Sunday we also got a sister tattoo! Holly had the idea awhile ago and we went through with it on Sunday before I left and Hannah started school. We got this puzzle piece...shaped similar to an H for our first names...

We just got a black outline of it. I got mine behind my ear where my hair covers it and Holly and Hannah got theirs in different spots on their feet. I love it! I'll show pics when Hannah get them posted online!

As for now I need to get my ass in gear and make sure everything is packed for tomorrow's quick trip out west!

Hopefully I'll update sooooon!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Big Suck-O!

Well ladies and gents...I suck!

My running did NOT happen...

I did however become the proud recipient of an iPod touch courtesy of one of my fave people in all the land...Theresa!!

She is most definitely the and bought a MacBook and received a free iPod touch with the computer. Since she already owned one and felt bad for me she gave me her free one!! How freakin amazing is she!?!?

So my new iPod is now all charged up and synced...I connected it right to the computer and good ole iTunes made it up just like my old one!

I plan to start up in the middle of C25K and get this ass back in gear!

That's all for life has been boring as of late...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I Neeeeeed This Back!!

So I went on that lovely trail today with Christie and her dog Chloe for a little afternoon walk.

I told Christie that we should try to jog a little too and she agreed so we set off to jog around the little pond that was just around the bend...


I made it probably 3-5 minutes (I didn't have my watch on) before we stopped. I maybe could have made it another couple minutes if I pushed myself, but we thought Chloe was gonna jump into the pond so we both freaked out and stopped running.

What happened to 25 minutes???

I mean I know I've been a slacker and I will have to work back up but I don't even think I could have done half of that!

Now I just feel terrible about myself and need my iPod touch back so I can have British Susan get me back a running!


Peace out...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Slacker McSlackerson!

While I have not been blogging, I have also NOT been running! Just slap this pin on me and tell me to get the heck off the couch!!

Christie has a fantastic running/walking/biking/rollerblading/get moving kinda trail right in her backyard that I have full free access to! Like literally right now I looked out the patio and saw some kids biking and skate boarding along that lovely path...

Why am I not running down that lovely path huh!??!

I feel so yucky because I haven't kept up with my running...oh and hey there goes some old lady walking down the path...I mean it's popular people!

My vow for the next couple days that I have off work is to get at least 3 good runs in. I have a total of 6 days off so that is completely doable...

Someone call or e-mail or facebook or something to make sure I am working on my goal!

Come on people help me out here!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

I Promise to Get Better!

Wow I really do suck at this blogging thing lately! I don't know what is wrong with me this summer but I'm terrible!

Hopefully I will get better and start keeping up with this thing some more!

So what's been going on with me and my fabulous life??

First of all I got this...I talked about it before but here it is! And please note that this is just a pic of what the car looks's not my actual car but it's exactly the same as what Hank Jr looks like!

I still really love him, although we have hit some bumps along our short time together already...his air conditioner went completely out and I had to spend buco bucks to fix it! It turns out that it is a known CR-V problem so I am not in the midst of working with Honda to get some kind of repayment for my troubles! We'll see how that works out...

In other news I'm all moved out of Runaway Bay and hanging out at Casa de Strayer with Christie! I have to say that it is going smashingly! I was quite nervous to live with someone again cuz we all know how much I LOVED living by myself but this is going fab! It's nice to live in an actual house with a driveway and backyard and everything...makes me really want one! BUT I do miss the Bay's pool quite a lot...makes me kinda sad sometimes...

In ravel nursing news I'm crossing my fingers that we are making some progress and MIGHT be heading here...

Fabulous San Diego, CA!! I don't want to get my hopes up yet but hopefully they will call today or tomorrow for an interview! IF it all works out I would be starting Sept 7th!

I've just been kind of going week to week at work with scheduling shifts and such...still so lucky to have an awesome boss that will let me do this!

That's most of the major things that have been going on in my fabulous life...I've been home to visit the fam in Canton a couple times and trying to hang out with my friends here as much as I can just in case I do leave soon!

I'm gonna try my bestest to update this little piece of internet way more often so everyone watch out for posts!

Off I go to get ready for work!

Peace kiddos!