We made some pit stops along the way to Montpelier on Friday but nothing to really talk about since it was rainy and we didn't end up doing anything. Friday night we found our way to McGuillicuddy's Irish Pub for some dinner and drinks. Nothing terribly exciting but just fun to be in the small adorable town.
Since Montpelier isn't dotted with Holiday Inn's and Best Western's we were at the mercy of the town and found ourselves paying $178 to spend the night at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in the middle of town. Thanks fall foliage for bumping up the rates in small town New England!
Anyway we got some great sleep in our cozy expensive beds and woke up to a cloudy but rain free day. First stop...the nations prettiest capitol...
Absolutely beautiful I tell ya!
We stopped by a coffee shop owned by one of my dad's high school friends, hit up the farmers market, wandered by the Capitol Theater, and just took in the adorableness of this town...take a look! I just love the church steeples and the amazing backdrop of the town!
After tromping around town we took my dad's directions and found our way to the house my grandpa built and that my dad lived in for about 7 years! It was at the top of a ridiculous hill that they got to walk up and down all the time...good thing they moved before I came along because I would want no part of that game...one time up and down that hill was enough!
Do not let that picture trick you...that hill might look small but my calves are telling me another story!
After we recovered from our workout we found another one of my dad's high school friend that owns a jewelery shop on the corner of Main and State street...presh right! I chatted with him for a bit (as he told me a fantastic tale of my dad's high school shenanigans) and he gave Erin and I a FABULOUS deal on some amazing Christmas gifts :)
And with that we were in and out of Montpelier, VT and had pretty much seen the entire city! The ride home included some pretty leaves (think Bob Ross and his happy trees), a quaint little winery in New Hampshire (Adorable!), and a stop in Brattleboro, VT to buy the best VT souvenir (a bottle opener magnet in the shape of a moose!) and watch the OSU game (YEAH! Way to beat undefeated Illinois!).
And I leave you with this...the best thing we saw...a car with three tires...that belongs to a diaper company...who logo is an acorn with a diaper! FABULOUS!
Up next...a pumpkin show in New Hampshire this Saturday! For now it's off to stay up late and tackle my first night shift tomorrow night!