I copied this from my lovely friend Brittany's blog....I'm real bored here in Canton...
What's your current obsession? Buying stuff for my new apt that I don't even move into until July 27th....and of course my obsession is always ice cold Diet Coke!
What's your favorite piece of jewelry you own? Hmmmm I'm not a big jewelery wearer...I don't have any sentimental pieces...but I want my grandma's wedding ring that my ma has
What are you wearing today? Jean skirt and Ohio tee with some cute new sandals I bought yesterday!
Why is today special? Well it's exactly a week before my lil sisters wedding! Holy shitballs that just still is weird for me to say that!
What would you like to learn to do? Speak Spanish, drive stick, quilt, eat healthy and work out correctly
What's for dinner today? I dunno man I had a big lunch today at Grinders with my ma and sisters
What's the last thing you bought? Baskin Robins smoothie and stuff from Sam's Club including two pillows for my new couch!
What's your favorite weather? Really hot if I have the day off and can lay by the pool...otherwise I love everything about the fall weather...the temp, the smell, all of it!
What's your most challenging goal right now? Retaking the GRE at somepoint and I'm with Britt in saving cash for new apt things!
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? Canton, OH....hahahaha I really love Chicago but I haven't been enough places to know where I would really want to live...maybe overseas??
Favorite vacation spot? Probably some exotic island like Fiji but for right now I love the outer banks!
What would you like to have in your hands right now? Money money money
What would you like to get rid of? My student loans and credit card debit....and my singleness!
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? The beach...and really cool blue water white sand one
What's your favorite thing about the city you live in? My friends all live here with me!
If you had $150 now what would you spend it on? Stuff for my new apt!
Do you admire anyone's style? I actually think Brittany Thompson has a fabulous style!
Describe your personal style. Hmmmm I dunno if I really have a style...I wear scrubs to work and then I'm all about comfort but still looking cute...I dunno...I'm getting more into wearing dresses and skirts
What is your favorite way to spend a day off from work? In the summer...POOOOOOL DAY!!!! Followed by dinner and beers on a patio somewhere!
Not in the summer...sleepin in, watchin some TV, hanging out with friends, wine maybe and a movie??
What are three live shows that you have seen? Nsync, Journey, and I just saw Kenny Chesney with Lady Antebellem, Miranda Lambert, and Sugarland!! Awesome show!!!