Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My Fabulous Friday Night

So this past weekend I had to venture back to lovely Canton, OH to help with last minute wedding junk.

It is craziness in my house and I was glad I only had to be there a couple days!

I helped make favors allll Friday night...while all my friends back in Columbus were out having a grand ole time without me.

Gluing ribbons, pictures, and watching ma make chocolate was what it consisted of...take a looksie...

This was my work station complete with Diet Coke and Doritos...very healthy I know

This was my sisters workstation with her lack of Doritos and her nice iced tea...makes me vomit

This is our almost completed work

This is what a completed favor looks like...adorable lil pic of the happy couple with a milk chocolate tux and white choloclate wedding dress inside. Cute huh??

And this is just a random pic of how crazy our house looks with all of the wedding/shower stuff all over the place!

Good thing the big day is on Friday and life can return to normal after that!

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