Friday, August 21, 2009


I'm putting off getting ready for work...

~Brittany is gonna win the lotto tonight and get millions and millions of dollars...

~Luckily she is a great person and friend and might take me to Hawaii or give me a couple G's

~I could watch the Gilmore Girls all day every day

~My left eye is burning and watering to the tenth degree and I dont know nose is also stuffy....I'm probably dying and shouldnt go to work...

~I have to remember to wake up early tomorrow to make stromboli before I go into work!

~I LOVE this new hair product...the tresemme 24 hour body volumizing mousse...FABULOUS!

~Last night my patient tried to set me up with 3 different guys...2 of his older brothers and one of their friends...who supposedly has 65K in the bank waiting to buy a house...I secretly want to find him on myspace and marry him...the friend not my patient that is...

~The time has come to get off the couch and pack my lunch and go to work...

Peace out kids

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