I have been a terrible Blogger lately...I've been busy with work and sleep and laying on the couch and let's face it....no one wants to read about that!
I have one more night of work tonight and then I'm off for a whopping 6 nights!
What am I gonna do you ask??
Well I'm gonna head to Cincy for a friends going away party and a little football action...
Then Holly is coming to stay for a couple nights as she takes her cosmetology boards on Tuesday!
I can't wait for her to come!
In other news...I'm really mad at Charli right now
I work with a nurse named Rachel....she has a cat named Righty
She is preggo with their 2nd child and they just moved into a condo where they can't have pets.
She took Righty to the humane society and the next day went back to get him and she convinced me to take him for awhile until they could move into their own house...
Well she brought Righty over and Charli was just a bitch....growling and hissing and swatting all over the place!
Poor Rachel had to take Righty back to the Humane Society! I cried as soon as she left...
I hate that she has to take him to the Humane Society! I'm gonna really hope that some nice old lady will adopt him...
Maybe I should have given it a little bit of a longer chance but Righty just hid behind the couch and Charli just hissed and growled or sat in my room and if I walked in just immediately hissed at me!
I just feel terrible! If you want a cat please let me know and you can go to the Humane Society and get Righty!!!!