Aren't we adorable?!?!
Like I said in the previous post I truly do adore my much as it might not seem like I do at times...
He's the one I call with car troubles...
He's the one that I can have lovely adult political conversations with...
He's the one that taught me how to drive...
He's the one that killed spiders crawling around the house...
He's the one that has helped me move 18000 times in my life...
He's the one that covered my books when I was in school...
He's the first person I would ever think of calling if I was in the Cash Cab...
He's also the one I've pushed down into a corner in the basement...
The one that's made me cry more times then I can count...
The one that caused me to be as stubborn as I am...
The one that I couldn't stand at times...
But despite those not so great lines mentioned above we have managed to still say I Love You every time we talk on the phone and I feel extremely grateful to have him as a part of my life!
Hope your birthday was completely FABULOUS dad!
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