However i did forget to post about Kloss's bachelorette party!
We went out on Saturday night to the Funny Bone and saw this guy
Mitch Fatel....he is HILARIOUS!
I was peeing my pants and crying and want to go back to the Funny Bone every weekend!
It was a fabulous surprise bachelorette party for my fabulous friend Stephanie Kloss.
Here are a couple pics from Adobe Gillas after the Funny Bone courtesy of M. Shaffe!

Above you will see me being molested by a creeper at the bar, us blowing out penis whistles provided by Shaffe, me trying to blow up "Big Willie", Megan SUPER excited about penis straws, Kloss modeling her penis edible jewelery, and Stephanie, Megan, Kate and I at dinner before the show!
It was a FABULOUS time and I can't wait for the wedding this weekend!
In other news my life is boring and this is all I have to report!
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