See she doesn't want me to go!

So while all of you were having nice tasty Thanksgiving meals I was hard at work in the PICU...
Brandy and I did have a Thanksgiving meal at Boston Market...where they almost ran out of turkey and did run out of both pumpkin and apple pie! How can that happen on freakin Thanksgiving!?!?!
I totally missed my family but my work family was ok to be around...I even did some baking for them...

Delish pumpkin choc chip cookies! They were a big hit!
I did however get some bad news on Thanksgiving morning. My sister calls me frantic saying that my mama fell down 5 flights of stairs and won't go to the hospital...she woke me up out of my deep sleep and my foggy brain is thinking the worst...that my mother is comatose at my house or something of that nature...
Come to find out it was only 5 stairs...not five FLIGHTS...
Still though she took a good spill...take a looksie at the poor ladies knee and thigh!

Turns out she has a bad bad sprain and got a nice ace wrap and some dad doesn't seem to be the greatest of all nurses (and I don't hold it against the poor guy) but this weekend I will be going home to hang out with her and take care of her!
Thats about the extent of my past couple days aside from work and sleep...
I hope everyone had a super fab Thanksgiving!
Tomorrow I plan on decorating my lil abode and will full document every part of it!
Peace out kiddos...
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