What an adventure this was!
I started the journey crying before I even left the driveway...just thinking about all that lay ahead and all that was being left behind...holy emotions batman!
But alas we were on our way and before we knew it were leaving Ohio!
I didn't get a pic of Indiana's sign but by the middle of day one we made it to Illinois!
This is where we hit a bump in the road...I was driving down highway 74 talkin to my good friend Riz when all of the sudden I heard this crazy noise and looked in my rearview mirror to see this black circle thing roll across the highway. It couldn't be a piece to my car now could it?!?! Although my a/c was starting to feel a little warm....I called Erin to see what she thought and she wondered if it was a piece of my car too. Rut Roh...now I gotta call my dad...and get lectured about how I should have pulled over and found the piece...blah blah blah...long story short I just happened to find a Midas in the middle of nowhere Illinois and met Chris who tole me that I lost my clutch face...he could fix it but not till tomorrow...We decided to forge on to Iowa...
We found a Midas there and met Matt who got my car in first thing in the morning and thankfully had me fixed up and on my way by 1pm! Thanks Matt!
After spending the night in Iowa City we were on the road again heading into the awfulness that we call Nebraska...The Welcome to Nebraska sign was in the middle of construction so all I could get was Welcome to Omaha...
I have to say that I really dislike Nebraska...Don't get me wrong...all the people (even the Huskers fan mechanic that checked out Hank Jr and told us to go buy some University of Nebraska merchandise at Walmart) were lovely...I mean just over the top nice...but the state...terrible! The most awful 8 hours of my life that I will never get back! Thank goodness we made it through and Hank Jr didn't break down on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere America!
This is what got me through most of Nebraska...and the whole road trip in general...note the tissues, snacks, cooler with diet coke and water, walkie talkie to talk to Erin, cell phone, and overnight bag...
Oh and I forgot...Grand Island Nebraska did have an awesome pizza place that I can't forget about!
After a not so awesome stay in Sidney Nebraska (just yucky hotel...nothing major) we were off to Wyoming!
Wyoming is just beautiful! The mountains are hell to drive through with my car but looking out the windows is just fantastic!
After Wyoming we were on to the great state of Utah...
Utah was breath taking! Amazing!
We tried to stop in Salt Lake City so I could see the Mormon temple. Kate even gave me detailed instructions on how to get off the highway and park...let me just tell you that the sun setting behind the mountains makes it really hard to read the highway signs! And then there was tons of construction around the temple and lots of traffic so needless to say we got a bit frustrated and ended up back on the highway westward! It was also weird when some little kid picked up our radio signal and came across my walkie talkie! Freaky!!
Anyhow we stayed the night in a city about 2 hours west of Salt Lake and came the "back way" into Nevada so I didn't get a cool welcome to Nevada sign...it wasn't too exciting of a state...lots of hot dry desert and a some ok mountains...
There was a place called Pumpernickel Valley and if it wasn't in the middle of nowhere I prolly would have wanted to stop! lol
No more stops after this! It was onward and upward from the end of Utah on! Tpp bad Cali had some construction too...it was hard to get the sign...this was the best I could do...
Cali had some awesome scenery too!
After what feels like literally flying through the California mountains we hit some traffic and finally made it too our little abode! A lovely 2 bedroom 2.5 bathroom townhouse! So far so amazing!!
I have very good feelings about this decision so far and I can't wait to see what the next 3 months has in store for me!
I will say that this past weekend we went to Stanford to walk around and found the best fro yo place in all the land...blogs to come about those things tomorrow!
Peace out kids!
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