Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So I think last night I signed up to be on a Flannagan's summer volleyball team...

volleyball Pictures, Images and Photos

I know what you're thinking...

"Heather you have never played a team sport in your life aside from the one summer you played soccer and got your glasses knocked off your face causing everyone to take a knee for you!"

Yes I's going to be an experience

I informed the team already that I cannot play worth anything and I should not be counted on to score any points or avoid any points from being scored by the opposing team.

I'm just in this for the drinking and potential soul mate finding!

Maybe I should practice...we do have some sand courts here at the bay

Who's with me?!?!

Speaking of Marriage...

So I had lunch with a friend today who is getting married in October.

She just moved in with her boo this past weekend and she made a confession to me today at lunch...

She has cried multiple times since moving in!

I felt so terrible for her! I can't imagine what it would be like to live with a boy at this stage in my life and felt bad that I really didn't have much advice to give her.

We both admitted that we are selfish people. She didn't even want to put their books together on the same bookshelf! hahaha!

We also discussed how dirty boys are, and how their living styles are just so different from girls. What girl would think it's an appropriate idea to buy a flat screen tv for the soul purpose of putting it in the guest room. It doesn't matter if your parents are going to come visit a couple random weekends during year and are used to having a tv in their room. Only a boy would think that was a super idea!

All I could do was sit across the table, let her vent, throw in some stories and comments about my sisters wedding and my ma's complaints about living with my dad.

I have never been married, engaged, or even in a long term relationship but I'm pretty sure this is normal.

If she's still crying every day in Oct. when her wedding day approaches then maybe we will have to look into things!

Oh the joys of being single!! :)

Holly's Bridal Shower #1

During my trip to Chicago I missed my little sisters first bridal shower.

Yes I'm a terrible sister/bridesmaid but this trip was planned before the shower so I couldn't help it man!

In my absence my ma glued a pic of me to a popsicle stick so I was there in spirit!

Take a look!

All the bridesmaids minus me...

My FAB ma and two sisters!

Waving hello to me!

So sad I couldn't have been there Holly!

The three sisters all together!

The next shower is set for May 9th and I will get to attend that one!

Although I'm getting pretty sick of hearing about gerber daisies, invites, calla lilys, and dress fittings, I am excited for my sister...

And glad it's her and not me! lol

Love Ya Hol!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chi-Town In Pictures!

So I'll post some awesome pics of our time in lovely Chicago...

Too hard to put a caption under each one so just assume that we are either...




Rained on

Or its a scenery shot...


**Sorry they are all out of order...I don't have this blog pic posting under control yet...

There ya have it kiddos...Check out my facebook albums for more pics and some descriptions...

Who wants to go back with me soon?!?!?!

Back To The Bus...

So I'm all home and unpacked from Chicago

I can't wait to go back

It was such an awesome city and I want it to be my first travel assignment as a nurse!

Except it better not steal my phone again

Yes my lil chocolate is no longer

All my pics and texts and contacts are gone and I was completely devastated. Seriously I cried like a baby.

In the middle of the bar. Maybe it was the alcohol. But I really was upset.

Other then that our trip was amazing!

I will post pics and such tomorrow...

Since getting back my life has gone downhill...hank blew a hose and is at the doctor.

I have to go to the doctor myself at 9am...after I take my roommate to work so I can borrow her car...and after I meet Brandy somewhere to retrieve my wallet that has my insurance card in it.

And my phone battery died in the middle of my car crisis so I had to charge it in the tow truck with the AAA man...Brittany saved the day and rescued me!

I made Watson miss his walk...I hope he still likes me...he seemed to be ok with it while I was over there.

Man I hope tomorrow is a better day! Let's hope hanks doctor's appt is not expensive!

Nite kids!

P.S. If anyone hears any info about a car accident on Olentangy and King I wanna know about it...that car looked just terrible and I can't imagine anybody in that car lived and that my friends gives me heavy boots...

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Windy City...

So today we had a super fab time sleeping in and wandering all around Michigan Ave.

It was soooo nice out!

Sunny and just the right temp

Except the wind...They don't lie about the windy city man!

Last night we had an awesome time at a club called Rockit and then at another one called Mothers

We found a lil bachelor party that we hung out with all night

They bought us drinks

It was awesome

Let's hope we find more generous and cute boys tonight!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


So I thought I would just throw out a quick update with how the trip is going

Yes I know it hasn't even been an hour since the last one but so much has already happened!

Erin worked last night and brought some "special coke" on the bus with her

This is how that has since ended up...

This is going to be a fabulous 4 days!


I am sitting here on the MegaBus as we speak about to head on to the highway and off to CHICAGO!!

I made it through my 5 nights of work without a hitch and have officially started my 7 day vaca!

We have no solid plans for weekend adventure but are sure to do some shopping, drinking, and sight seeing!

I'm off to watch a movie and settle into this homey lil bus for the next 6-8 hours of my life...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sweet Mother The Night Has Finally Come!

Night #5 is finally upon me!

I can see a bight shiny beautiful light at the end of this crazy long tunnel!

As long as I get my cute lil patient back tonight I think I should make it...

If we get 6 admissions like we get last night I think I might lose it...

About 14 hours and counting until I am a free woman for 7 whole days!!

Chi Town here I come!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hump Day

Well tonight starts my hump day

Third night in a row

Two more after tonight

I think I can do it

At least I hope

Who wants to get some drinks or hang out on Wednesday??

Friday, April 17, 2009

Let's Hope I Survive!

So today begins my crazy work extravaganza...

I have to work the next 5 nights in a row

12 hours shifts

When it's so nice and sunny out

And the clippers opening day is tomorrow at the brand spankin new park!

How depressing.

I hope I make it through...I've done 4 in a row but never 5...this 5th day could just send me straight over the edge...

At least I have 7 days off and a trip to Chicago after its all over!

Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sunshine Days...Everybody's Happy!

I sit here from my couch and look out on to my lovely parking lot and see how beautiful and sunny it is

I wish I had some reason to be outside today!

I suppose I could go to a lil coffee shop and sit outside and read or something

To bad I don't have a dog to play with outside.

Instead here I sit doing laundry, catching up on loads of TV I have missed, and watching Charli attack the glass patio door trying to get at an insect flying around outside. Quite amusing actually.

I will try to find a reason to enjoy the day...especially since I have to work the next 5...yes FIVE...days in a row and will see absolutely no sunshine.

I will try to update later...maybe with some pics from recent events in my life...

Peace out kids

Monday, April 6, 2009

Linda Hamilton!

So I just watched one more episode of What Would You Do and they went back and found Linda! They gave her a pre-paid cell phone and took her somewhere to help her get her life on track! She was so so happy just for that little cell phone!

Turns out there's even a facebook group about being touched by Linda! I think I need to join immediately!

I'm so glad she got help!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sometimes America Sucks...

So I woke up today and was just hanging out before my sister got here and decided to catch up on some of my DVR'ed shows. I decided to watch an episode of Primetime's version of What Would You Do and proceeded to bawl my eyes out.

One part of the show had a well dressed woman walk down the street and collapse to see how many people would help her...everyone helped her...

Then they did it with a scruffy homeless looking man and it took an average of 3 minutes for someone to help him...

Then they had the guy hold a beer can and even more people just walked by...except this one lady...Linda Hamilton...she tried so hard to help this man and just made me sob...

Watch the can skip the part about the woman...its boring...everyone helps...but watch the rest and see if you cry like me!

I can't figure out how to post it directly here so here's the link...WATCH IT!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Some Beach....Somewhere...

I am craving a trip to the beach right now...Houston was fun but Galveston was just a tease. The beach was rocky and the sun was shining but it wasn't as hot as I wanted it to be! I want to go somewhere where its hot with white sand and blue water and cold drinks and a good book and my iPod...some friends too!! Maybe here...

Who wants to come???

Who Knew Dayton Could Be Fun??

After getting back from Houston, I decided I didn't want to drive all the way back to Columbus after flying all day so I crashed at Stephanie's house and we went out for a night at the Dub Pub with her roomie and some of his friends...

It was quite a good time and we even got to show off our bedazzled phones!

When we got back from the bar we decided to have a dance party and since we didn't buy the undies with silicone butt cheeks we made our own! I almost ended the night sleeping on a mattress in the times...

And now it's back to real life and work for the next 3 nights...yay PICU!