Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Speaking of Marriage...

So I had lunch with a friend today who is getting married in October.

She just moved in with her boo this past weekend and she made a confession to me today at lunch...

She has cried multiple times since moving in!

I felt so terrible for her! I can't imagine what it would be like to live with a boy at this stage in my life and felt bad that I really didn't have much advice to give her.

We both admitted that we are selfish people. She didn't even want to put their books together on the same bookshelf! hahaha!

We also discussed how dirty boys are, and how their living styles are just so different from girls. What girl would think it's an appropriate idea to buy a flat screen tv for the soul purpose of putting it in the guest room. It doesn't matter if your parents are going to come visit a couple random weekends during year and are used to having a tv in their room. Only a boy would think that was a super idea!

All I could do was sit across the table, let her vent, throw in some stories and comments about my sisters wedding and my ma's complaints about living with my dad.

I have never been married, engaged, or even in a long term relationship but I'm pretty sure this is normal.

If she's still crying every day in Oct. when her wedding day approaches then maybe we will have to look into things!

Oh the joys of being single!! :)

1 comment:

Kate said...

I am so sad I missed this lunch. Stupid work!