We got to lovely Dayton International Airport and Stephanie started tanning right away! We thought everything would go smoothly and there would be no bumps in our Spring Break plans...but Atlanta destroyed that hope. We got off our plane only to hear that the flight to Houston had already left and we were stuck there for the night! Luckily we got a flight out early the next morning and our adventure could begin!
Lindsay picked us up from the airport and takes us to this fine establishment for delish breakfast tacos followed by some shopping on Harwin Ave. for knock off purses and accessories! FUN! We spent hours perusing the goods including a pair of undies with silicone butt cheeks! Stephanie was in heaven! We ended Saturday night with some fabulous BBQ and a special viewing of the Babysitters club on DVD...yes yes don't be jealous!
On Sunday we headed to Galveston to see the Gulf and we also saw some leftover hurricane damage. We ate amazing seafood, walked along the shore, dealt with Lindsay's broken shoe, and did some shell collecting...here's some pics that documented the day...
Lindsay had to teach her lil kiddos on Monday so it was an early night for her on Sunday...On Monday Steph and I headed over to spend a half day with her class and see what she's like as a teacher...turns out shes a beast! She's got good control over those 5 year olds that for sure! After school we got mani's and pedi's which was completely amazing! We ate some awesome Mexican and went back to hang out at the apt for our last night. We even bedazzled our phones with the gems Stephanie bought on Harwin...take a look...
Our flights back to Ohio were much more smooth. We did meet this man that reminded me of Inspector Gadget in the Atlanta airport. We thought he was crazy but it turns out he spoke very very little English and was just trying to find out when his wife's flight was coming in from Toronto. Stephanie was nice enough to help him out...and I was nice enough to sneak a pic of him! What you can't see is his bright purple shirt and bright purple tie...so adorable!
We finally made it back to Dayton in one piece and Stephanie continued her tanning right where she left off...
And that's that...our fabulous Apt. T reunion is over but it was awesome and I miss Miss Rizzo already!
If you do so desire to see the rest of my pics check them out on my Facebook Album...http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=23012&id=846370120&ref=nf#/album.php?aid=2553082&id=12405030&ref=mf
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