Even though I don't work the typical 9-5 I still do love my weekends...prolly more because I don't get every one of them off...
This weekend is super fab...I finally get to go home and see the fam for a couple days
We will also be celebrating my sister Holly's 22nd birthday....she's a leap year baby so we can pretty much celebrate whenever we want :)
The weather had better cooperate so there are no glitches in my plan! It would also be nice for it to cooperate and allow miss Britt to come to Canton to play too!
Talking about Canton and the weather reminds my lil brain of two things...
A. I just read here that the lil city I call home is one of America's most miserable cities! Now don't get me wrong I mean growing up there was pretty boring but I wouldn't say miserable...I also had no idea that only 18% of the adult population has a college degree...crazy!! I know the city could be better but what place couldn't improve a little...especially the way the economy is right now...even stil...I'm pretty pumped to be going back to visit America's #9 most miserable city!
B. With all this cold weather I keep seeing these allllll over...

I don't know if everyone knows this about me but I've got a fear of these bad boys...I had a very traumatic experience with an icicle back in the day.
I was with my sister and we were out playing in the snow...for some reason I had my big wheel with me too...we went to the neighbors house and saw this awesome icicle hanging from their porch...I wanted to play with it so my sister held the big wheel while I stood on it and proceeded to bat at the icicle with my mitten...staring straight up at it the whole time! DUMB!! The thing came crashing down right onto my face and next thing I know I'm running back home with my mitten pressed right between my eyes to hold in the blood! My of course said it was fine and made me sit in the chair holding a towel on it....until mama came home and took me down the street to the hospital where I proceeded to get 7 stitches and a blue popsicle. To this day seeing the huge frozen water daggers gives me chills and makes the scar between my eyes burn....kinda like Harry Potter...
Welp now that I have entertained the world I'm off to clean up this apt and pack for home...
Catch ya on the flip side...
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