This is Caddie...he's my furry nephew and was super excited that I went to visit him today!

This is Charli...she's super happy that I arrived back to our Columbus Home Sweet Home today...
And me...well I'm still having mixed reviews about being back...
I love my lil abode here in the bus and am happy to be all back and unpacked, and my apt clean, and home cooked left overs in the fridge, and even a load of towels in washer...
However I do still miss my Canton home...squeaky futon and all! (In my dad's defense he did fix it up and make it comfy...only one side squeaks!)
I'm excited to have plans for the next few days before I head back to work...including lunch and dinner dates, eye dr apt, and hopefully a burger/bar night!
In other exciting life news I have found a new sweet tooth love!
Introducing the Panera Chocolate Chip Bagel!

I have no idea who could start the morning off by eating a whole one but let me tell you how delish a half one is after din din! AMAZING!!
On my lunch date tomorrow to Panera I must buy a couple!
Well thats life as of right now kids...got some more DVR to catch up on before I call it a night!
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