And I have a week off work!! WOOHOO!!!
Aside from the fact that my nose is not cooperating with the rest of my body I am in a FANTASTIC mood today!
Britt and I had a GREAT run yesterday down by the river....and today is outlet shopping day!! We got our paychecks today that include our extra hours so it's time to do some shoppin!
Over at
The Parade there is a tradition of Fill In The Blank Friday. Today is all about music so I think I shall give it a go...
One song that always takes me back to my youth is Definitely any NSYNC song! I mean I was to the point of crazy obsessed in high school and anytime I hear an NSYNC song I go right back to years '99-'02 :)
My first concert ever was Matchbox 20 with Kaylan and Erin at Blossom Music Center. We went with Erin's mom I think and we sat on the lawn and used binoculars to try to see Rob Thomas singing up on stage...I bought a t-shirt...we thought we were super cool!
If I could create my dream music festival I'd want these bands to be there: NSYNC for sure, Sugarland, Something Corporate would get back together and come play, Journey, Andrew Varner, Taylor Swift, Kings of Leon, and let's throw in Blessed Union of Soul just for fun :)
The best make-out/"boot knocking" song ever is I am not at liberty to discuss that...that Rude Boy song though could be
The best concert I've ever been to was NSYNC put on a FABULOUS concert...even if you don't like their music their concerts were of lately though I love any show where I can go hang out on the lawn outside somewhere and listen to music with my friends and drink some beers...
A memorable musical moment for me was A musical moment??? hmmmmmm maybe going to Walmart at midnight for the release of an NSYNC CD with my friend Tim and Britt and her cousin were there and Britt gave me one of the dirtiest looks I was stealing her boyfriend or something lol Tim didn't even want to be there...he lied to people and said he was there for the Cake CD!
The song on my iPod that's getting the most play these days is anything on my Running playlist cuz that's what I've been using my iPod for these days...specifically Naturally by Selena Gomez, Numb/Encore by Jay Z and Linkin Park, and Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit
And that's that kids...its time to get ready to go spend some dollas!!