Alright kids sit back and get ready to hear about my crazy manic monday...or my whole weekend for that matter...let's just make it a list of the good bad and ugly...
The Good~I got to visit Riz who I haven't seen in like a year
~I got to lay by the pool in Texas when everyone in Ohio was miserable in the rain and wind
~Riz and I reminisced about all the amazing college memories we had...while drinking a variety 6 pack of beer.
~Linds and I got nice relaxing mani/pedi's on our little vaca
~I made it back to Columbus in time to see some fab gals from nursing school...along with a delish Panera lunch
~Britt and I OWNED our run today even though we both weren't feeling it at first...we even did 2 legs are sleeeeepy.
~And just to list again that I got to see Riz...I freakin miss that girl and even though the trip ended with a terrible airport experience I can't wait to go back and see her again!
The Bad and UglyIt's really just one thing...AirTran royally screwed me over this morning at the Houston airport...
Riz dropped me off at a very reasonable time for my 6:25am soon as I walked in the door I knew it was gonna be downhill from there...the security line was the longest I have ever seen in all my life...
Needless to say we (and by we I mean the 5 other people right around me in the security line that were also on my flight) got put to the front of the security line and hauled ass to our gate...
We get to the gate and an AirTran employee comes lumbering up the tunnel and out of the door closing it behind her to inform us (and by us I mean the now 15 passengers that all just got to the gate including a couple with a baby!) that we have missed the flight and it is policy to close the door 10 minutes before the flight is due to leave...
Instead she proceeds to tap tap tap away on her keyboard to try...and get us out of Houston in a timely manner...never making eye contact with any of we wave goodbye to the plane that we should be on....because yes we stood there for a good 5 minutes staring at the plane before it actually left the gate...
Needless to say AirTran could not get me back to Columbus today and I went to the amazingly nice Southwest people, handed over my credit card, and cried as they swiped it and I paid double the price of my roundtrip ticket for a one way ticket back to the Bus...
There was a lot of crying involved, lots of phone calls back and forth to the parents and Riz, and lots of wandering around the airport...
It's over now and I can't dwell on the fact that my credit card payoff plan just got set back 4 months...I'm home and can get to work tomorrow and I will still go visit Riz...I'll just fly Southwest next time...
Now I have to work on my complaint to AirTran so I can get some comp for this mess...
BUT did I mention that I ran 2 miles today?!?!?
Glad to be back in the Bus but I do miss ya Riz...Can't wait to come visit you again!! Please come to Columbus this summer and play some volleyball with me...
That is all...these tired legs are going to sleeeeeep! Sorry for the rambling...I just needed to vent!
Peace out kids!