Yesterday was MONUMENTAL for me! Well for both B and I!
WE RAN 25 MIN!!! 25 MIN!!
Who knew that two of the biggest couch potatoes you have ever met would be running 25 minutes without stopping?!?! Seriously...B and I both have a very unhealthy relationship with our couches...and I don't think either one of us is afraid to admit it...B if you are I'm sorry I just outed your secret!
BUT we can now say that we are runners...so It's ok to love our couches cuz at least we are getting off them to get moving!
I could go on and on and on about how much I love this couch to 5K program but that would just get boring...If you know me and you hear that I ran for 25 min you would know that this program is just amazing...never have I ever been able to stick with any kind of exercising before and I have been doing this program now for going on 7 weeks!!
The numbers on the scale are saying I haven't lost any weight but frankly right now I'm ok with that...I feel soooo much better about myself! I don't feel like I don't get tired as much doing things anymore and I'm able to recover better after my runs. Yesterday my legs were EXHAUSTED after that run, but I wasn't gasping for air and on the ride home aside from the tired legs I felt great! I did walk for a couple seconds here and there...especially up the steep inclines, but gosh darnit I did it!!
I got to celebrate my awesome run by going to see these awesome peeps sing last night!

Nothing like some fabulous live country music to start off the summer season and end my monumental day! LOVEDDDDD IT!!! And so happy that B and I are doing it together!
Now it's back to reality getting laundry done and preparing for my 3 night work stretch!
Peace out Kids!
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