Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Universe Loved Me Yesterday...Kind Of...

Sooooooo yesterday upon walking into work I was greeted with the most fabulous surprise EVER!


At work we play the pick 3 tell the unit secretary the number you want to her each month (25 cent per day)...and she checks the numbers in the afternoon and evening against the real pick 3 lottery and if someone's number comes up...they win!

We have about 27 people that are currently in the lottery and we hadn't had a winner in awhile so I won 581 buck-a-roos!!!

Remember that plane ticket I had to buy to get out of Texas???? PAID FOR BABY!!!

Not exactly what I would have liked to spend most of my winnings on but hey now it's paid for!

So I thought the universe loved me....until I got my patient assignment...and then at 1am when my patient went down the crapper and I proceeded to run my arse off and not get to leave work till 9am I knew the universe was laughing in my face...

Thanks universe...

But thanks even more pick 3 lotto!! I'm still a happy happy girl...just with really tired legs...

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