On the train to Berlin we met visually impaired Iranian swim team....it was quite interesting to say the least...they were very sweet and friendly and I hope they did well in their competition in Berlin!
We found our hostel pretty easily once we got to the city and found that it was quite nice...much better then Paris! And there was free WiFi!
Look how excited we were to use it!
That night we started off our time in Berlin with a visit to the Brandenburg gate...it was just completely stunning at night with all the lights shining on it!
Across the street from the gate was a small memorial dedicated to a few of the people that attempted to get to the other side of the Berlin wall, but didn't make it...it gave me chills...especially at night...
That night we also got to check out one of the German parliament buildings. It was also beautiful at night. As visitors you are able to go up inside the glass dome and "watch laws being made". Courtney liked hanging out by the German flag...a bit of a traitor maybe???
I kid I kid...
We did all show our German pride by busting out the glasses Courtney got us...
After wandering around parliament for awhile we got quite thirsty and found a fantastic brewery with some delicious brews! My brew of choice was a cherry wheat beer...TASTY!!!
Steph was excited about her liter of beer, but low and behold she turns out to be the only one that doesn't finish!
The next day we hopped on a double decker bus and took an amazing tour of the city...
Berlin is full of old and new...since much of it was destroyed during the war it is still in a state of rebuild...you see new apartment buildings right next to old domes and cathedrals...
We hopped off the bus tour at Berlin's famous TV tower to attempt an OHIO picture...we also found a fountain out front which strangely resembles King Triton...
We hopped back on after hanging out at the TV tour for a bit...driving around we got to check out a beautiful dome, a Holocaust memorial, the Brandenburg gate in the daylight, and also the parliament building in the daylight...
Even the train stations in Berlin are amazing looking! And this one even had a beach set up next to it!
Also on the bus tour was this church...it was destroyed in the war, but the city left it standing as a reminder of what war can do to a place...
We hopped off the bus again to visit one of the world's largest department stores...amazing place for 3 girls to explore!! It was fantastic and we managed to find the most amazing tiramisu ever in the food court!
Look how excited we were to hop back on the bus and see more sights after our tiramisu recharge!
We saw some more sights of Berlin back on the bus including checkpoint Charlie, a beach set up to watch the world cup, a piece of the Berlin wall thats still standing, colorful apt buildings, and a hot air balloon that you can take a ride in (just straight up for 15 minutes)...
Next up was the Pergamon Museum where you can see cool things like that Pergamon Alter and Ishtar Gate...I know the stuff is from Turkey and the Ishtar Gate is the Gate to Babylon..by this time in the trip I was finding it very difficult to remember museumy things...I suck...
To reward myself for my museum time I got a big ole pretzel with cheese...DELISH!!
We took off down the street to explore some more and met one of the Berlin Bears...they're decorated bears that are allllll over the city...I guess ber in German is bear??
Later that night we took off to grab some grub and watch the world cup game for that night...but first we stopped to check out the Checkpoint Charlie museum...that was a museum I could handle! It was really awesome to read all the stories of people trying to get around that damn wall! Annnnnd the pretend solider standing guard posed for an OHIO pic for us!
We ended the night hanging out in the sand freezing our tushes off to watch the world cup! It was a great night despite the cold!
The trip to Berlin ended with a stop at the remaining pieces of the Berlin wall...
Our time in Europe was pretty much over after Berlin...We headed back to Aachen to have a cookout on our last European night. Courtney's friends were nice enough to let us come visit and we grilled out German style! Steph manned the grill for a bit while th boys sat around which was scary! Steph and I also supported the whole world that night by wearing our French berets, German glasses, Holland lei, and American flip flops! It was a FANTASTIC end to the trip of a lifetime!!
All in all it was the best trip I have taken thus far in my life...I will say that I was exhausted and ready to get back to America but I would love love love to go back to Europe and check out everything else that continent has to offer!
I miss your face Courtney!
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