Friday, July 23, 2010

I am Terrible!

To all my crazy loyal fans out there I apologize for being a terrible blogger...I have been crazy busy and just haven't sat down to tell you all about my life lately!

Let's hit some highlights...

1. I have NOT been hanging out at the Runaway Bay pool as much as I would like...and I only have a week left before I don't get to be there anymore!!

2. I have to pack up all my crap by next Saturday and move out of the Bay into Casa de Strayer for awhile because....

3. I am moving forward with this travel nursing thing! It is the most terrifying and exciting thing in my life right now. I'm traveling with another girl I work with and at this point we still have no idea where we are going or when we are leaving. This REALLY stresses me out. I like planning. I like knowing what I'm going to be doing in the next couple weeks and right now I don't. And its FREAKIN ME OUT!!! To the point that I want to just

4. I have to find a foster parent for my lovely lil cat Charli. I can take her with me when I travel if I need to but the friend that I'm moving in with doesn't really want her living there. This is also stressing me out. I have a week to find a home for her!

5. Some good news is that I GOT A CARRRRR!! A brand spankin new used Honda CRV!! It's a lovely 2004 Black lil number with working windshield wipers, automatic locks, and a heating/cooling dial that works! I still have to find a name for him but I'm definitely in love! I did however just get socked in the gut with how much my car insurance will be going up! Yuck!!

I think that is a lot of what is goin on right now...I will post pics of my car tomorrow and keep everyone updated on where my travel nursing takes me.

Sorry kids for the lack of blogging! I'll try to be better but my life isn't slowing down much so don't get mad if my posts are still lacking!

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