Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Keene New Hampshire Pumpkin Festival!

Well ladies and gents I finally got my wish of going to the Keene Pumpkin Festival that Brittany and I were going to go to last year...It was quite different then Circleville's Pumpkin Show but still a pretty good time...

Circleville really focuses on all kinds of fun pumpkin food and carnival rides and crafts, etc, etc...Keene is different in that they are trying to break world records on the number of lit jack-o-lanterns in one place at one time...I mean they have a ton...

They also had some pumpkin bowling for the youngsters...

Annnnnd then there were the are some of my faves...

It was quite the fabulous time...still think I like all the pumpkin food that Circleville has to offer but this was still a good taste of fall!

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