Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Mind's a Racin!

I haven't blogged in awhile...I suck

Whenever I work (especially 3 in a row) all I can think about it eating and sleeping so not much else gets done.

Today I have lots of random thoughts and in the spirit of one of my fave blogs I'm just gonna let y'all know whats on my mind...

Too bad it won't look as pretty as hers. (I need to learn how to add color and stuff to this thing)

Here we go

I CANNOT wait to leave for Vegas in 2 days! All that's left to do it pack, and pick up some last minute things from Target...and find someone to share Charli responsibility with Britt (even though I haven't even told Britt that I'm accepting her offer!)

I just spent about $30 on new music to travel with including the Hope for Haiti and randomly the newest Train album. I haven't listened to Train since about high school but I really enjoy their new song and the previews I heard of the others! I can't wait to listen to the whole thing!

In the past two months I have finished reading the Lovely Bones and Dear John and I want someone to go see both movies with me! My sister saw The Lovely Bones last night with her hubs and said I should not go see it alone cuz it's a little creepy. I'm sure I'll hate both movies cuz they won't be as good as the books but I still want to see them!

The new shows Life Unexpected and The Deep End are super fabulous and I can't wait to watch more of them!

I went to the bank today and took $800 out of my savings account. It was sad to see the money leave my beloved account and it was also scary to be holding a large wad of cash. The whole time I had it I felt like I was going to be robbed at any second!

My new boots from Nordstrom came in the mail yesterday and I'm so sad cuz my left one fits beautifully, but my right bum foot is all big and fat and the boot doesn't fit! I'm so disappointed and need to find a way to shrink that right calf!

I don't want to go to work tonight...I'm tired...and CVVH (I know you don't know what the means) but it's exhausting! Although the upstairs neighbor just started playing super loud music and the bass is shaking my ceiling so maybe it's good I'm going!

I think that might be most of the random thoughts...sorry if it's boring but such is my life...my next post will probably be about Vegas baby!

Peace out kiddos!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Oh Haiti My Heart Breaks...

Ryan Seacrest posted this pic on his Twitter this morning.

It makes me smile and breaks my heart at the same time.

I'm so glad they are able to find people alive, but at the same time these people are coming out of the rubble with no place to go, not enough medical supplies to treat them, not knowing where their family and friends are, and just facing a huge uncertainty of what is to come.

I wish there was more that I could do.

If I didn't have to work tonight I would totally watch this and call in to donate some more dollars...

If you haven't given yet there are plenty of organizations to chose from...either watch the telethon or go here and pick the organization you feel passionate about and give to them. Any amount. Seriously. $1...$10...$100...whatever you can give would help!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's the Final Countdown!

This time next week I will be flying right into this lil city!


In the next seven days I need to:

Get a hair cut/color/eyebrow wax
Return stuff at Target
Get Passport pic and turn in app (not for vegas but it needs done!)
Find someone to check on Charli while I'm gone
Go to the bank
Work 4 nights
Clean apt

That may be it....

I better get started!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Do It Now....

How can you say no to these faces??

I made my donation to Save the Children: Haiti Earthquake Children in Emergency Fund

You don't have to donate thousands or even hundreds of dollars...these organizations will love anything you give.

MSNBC made this fabulous list of all the organizations you can donate to...these organizations are real and would love your help.

Pick your favorite one and give a couple bucks...

It will make you feel awesome...

I promise :)

Miss Independent...

I've always considered myself a pretty independent person...

I live by myself...pay my rent and utilities...have a super good job...pay my car insurance and gas...buy my groceries and other things I need to live...clean my lovely apt...take care of my cat...you know the usual...

Well I'm beginning to realize that I am still very much connected to my parents in a lot of ways...I'm on a family share plan with my cell phone that probably 10 out of 12 months of the year my mother pays....my papa still makes my car payment...my mama does my taxes and is the one that keeps all of my student loan files in order (granted I pay the actual loans)...and I still call them pretty much every single day to make sure they are still alive and ask them all my random life questions...

Like even tonight I talked to my dad for a good half hour cuz my vacuum is shaking and sounds like its about to take off into outer space everytime I try to us it. Instead of troubleshooting it myself I make my dad walk me through everything...

Just like my friend Britt I am starting to have a life crisis...

When I started nursing I heard about travel nursing and knew I wanted to do it...now that the time is quickly approaching where I have to make the decision I'm totally freaking out...

Could I really move away from my family?
Start a new job?
In a new city?
With new people?
And new doctors?
All by myself?
Even more independent?

I have a lot to research and think about and it makes my brain hurt...

I'm putting it off till after Vegas for now...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Yuck-o Winter!

So normally I don't have this big of an issue with chapped lips but let me tell you this winter has done a number on the ole smackers! I think between the temp, being so dry at work and home and my lack of good chapstick it's just a big ole problem!

Here's what I've tried so far...

And even this...

Freakin straight up vaseline!

Some stuff works like one night at work and then its back to the drawing board!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Save a Life! Or Three...

How can you say no to that cute lil red blood cell???

I finally gave blood again yesterday right after I got off work.

I hadn't given since Oct. 30th 2007! What is wrong with me?!?!

Of course in my line of work I am going to be a HUGE advocate of blood donation!

Some nights I feel like some sort of vampire either drawing so many labs and taking kids blood or transfusing sick kids with blood product after blood product alllllll night long. The cancer kids especially need it all...platelets, red cells, and plasma.

By taking an hour out of your time, and a pint of blood out of your system (you have 10-12 pints total so one lil pint is nothin!) you could save up to 3 peoples lives!

If anyone is scared of needles I'll come hold your hand while you donate...you also get snacks afterward! FREE FOOD!! And if your nurse I just found out yesterday that you get an hour of CEU credit...it's a program they have call give an hour get an hour...awesome!

So everyone take a look at that cute little red cell up there, find out where there is a blood donation going on in your area, find an hour of time, and give some blood!

Thank you and have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Blah Blah Blah

That's how I feel the past couple days.

After my 6 night work vaca it's still a little tough to get back in the swing of sleep work repeat...

I like filling my days off with little things to do like panera lunches with friends, burger nights with old dormmates, MLK dinners, pot roast and movie nights...

We all know I LOVE living along but I still crave human interaction...I do love nights by myself on the couch with my cat and tv but I can't do that every night...

The best thing that January has to offer me is coming up sooooooon!

17 days till I board a plane and head here...

Can't wait!!

That's all I got right now kids...sorry to be boring!

Off to save lives tonight!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm Old...

I did buy and iPod touch this week...but yesterday at Target I also purchased one of these...

I was sick of waking up with my mouth and nose drier than death valley and feeling like I needed to drink a gallon of water!

This lil guy made my night a lot better last night!

I moved him to my living room for the day and I think I notice a difference here too!

Please stage an intervention if you hear that I'm eating dinner at 4pm and complaining about my aches and pains and the youth of society!

Driving in a Winter Wonderland

Holy smokes Winter has arrived in Columbus!
(Let me just put it out there that this is not my pic...I did not risk my life to take a pic while driving in the snow!)

Let the crazy driving begin!!

My good friend Britt has already let her feelings be known about the topic and I could not agree with her more!

Learning to drive in Canton, OH with my dad has prepared me well for driving in the snow. Other people in Columbus need to spend some quality winter driving time somewhere north of 270.

Glad I got my errands done earlier today and can hunker down in my lovely lil abode until tomorrow night when I have to venture out for work...Hopefully the crazy drivers will be locked in their own apt for the weekend by the time I leave!

Monday, January 4, 2010


This was my Sunday night...

My first ever fire in my apt!

It was completely lovely and Charli loved it just as much as I did...although she tried to go in the fireplace and quickly realized that she would burn to a crisp if she set one paw in there...

It made laundry much more bearable to fold it by the fire.

I now wish I had a boyfriend to come over and clean it out because I will for sure have to lock Charli in my bedroom tonight with me so she doesn't climb inside and proceed to spread ashes all over the apt!

Tomorrow I will learn about the clean up process of having a nice night by the fire...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My New Friend...

I have a new friend in my life...

I haven't named him but this is what he looks like...

He has brought me much joy so far with the free apps I've found...

I've gotten to....
take a ride in the cash cab
practice my black jack and slots for vegas
update my twitter
check facebook
practice my paper tossing
check movie listings
ride on the Oregon trail
and much more!

I have wanted to purchase one for months and I'm very happy I did!

I love him!

Welcome to my Life 2010!

Well right after Christmas I started a 4 day work stretch so I could have off for NYE and a couple days after...

My fab friend Stephanie turned the big 2-6 on the 30th and my other fabbo friend Courtney was home on a visit from Germany so us and a couple other peeps were gonna hang out for a few days...Courtney's dad was amazing and used some of his hotel points to get us a slam ass room at the Marriott downtown for 2 nights!

It was soooo nice to be close to the bars and not have to worry about cleaning up after people leave and all that stuff!

Steph's birthday and NYE was full of watching and talking about the Jersey Shore, drinking martinis, getting dressed up, drinking cheap champagne, fist pumping at the bar, showing a Canadian the joys of Panera, free hotel breakfast, peeing behind a dumpster in the cold, shots of "green", joking about losing organs and just loving the fact that we were in the same place at the same time!

There was no kiss at midnight, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a good time!

Of course my camera died so maybe I'll post a couple pics once my friends get them up!

Hope everyone else had a super fab NYE!!

Christmas in Review...

Well again I've been a slacker of a blogger lately...

Christmas as come and gone and as usual it was quite a success. I truly looooove hanging out with my family!

On Dad's side there were 2 lil babies I got to play with and on mom's side it is just packed full of loud peeps that are amazing to be around. I also played LCR for the first time with them.

For those of you that don't know LCR is a dice game standing for Left Right Center...sooooo easy to play and sooooo fun! Next time youre having a get together (with a decent amount of peeps) tell them all to bring some quarters and bust out this game! Seriously so fun!

My sisters loved their gifts that supported the Water for Christmas campaign so I was really happy about that!

Hannah got me this awesome wine glass that was devoted to breast cancer awareness along with a cookie cutter...loved it! And Holly came through again with some super fabulous OPI nail polish! Ma got me some much needed scrub pants and tops and pops pulled through with my AAA renewal....its sad the things I get excited about now!

I was super sad to come back to the Bus to go to work but so far I have survived!

Hope your Christmas's were as fabulous as mine!