Monday, November 30, 2009

My Grown Up Christmas List

I am now to the point in my life where if I really want something I'll normally just buy it for myself...

I can't ask my parents anymore to buy me these crazy expensive gifts I want...but it doesn't stop me from wanting them!

Here are the things on my list...

I have wanted one of these for awhile...I think I might end up breaking down and buying myself an iPod touch here soon...

A couple people at work have one of these and I want my own! Although I do love having books on my bookshelf...

I'm feeling alittle behind on the times with these electronics but I did say that if I had a nice TV I wanted a Wii with it...maybe the Wii fit could help me shed some pounds!

These last two are kinda weird but I really want a fireplace screen so Charli will stay out of the fireplace! And I need a nice pair of studs for my second earring hole that I can keep in all the time!

In the end though I truly wish I could give all the money I have to this place...
Cancer sucks big time...especially with really breaks my heart everytime I have a cancer patient at work...I think I'm going to make a donation this year at Christmas though...become an "Angel of Hope" through WCOL when they do their St. Jude's charity drive...I've always wanted to do it when I hear those poor parents talk about their children and now I am in a position where I could spare some dollars for the kiddos....

Whats on your Christmas list??

Life Update

So I've been slightly absent to my lil blog here due to the fact that I had to be an adult and provide a good life for my kitten and I...although I don't think she appreciates me being away so much as she is awfully cuddly when I'm home!

See she doesn't want me to go!

So while all of you were having nice tasty Thanksgiving meals I was hard at work in the PICU...

Brandy and I did have a Thanksgiving meal at Boston Market...where they almost ran out of turkey and did run out of both pumpkin and apple pie! How can that happen on freakin Thanksgiving!?!?!

I totally missed my family but my work family was ok to be around...I even did some baking for them...

Delish pumpkin choc chip cookies! They were a big hit!

I did however get some bad news on Thanksgiving morning. My sister calls me frantic saying that my mama fell down 5 flights of stairs and won't go to the hospital...she woke me up out of my deep sleep and my foggy brain is thinking the worst...that my mother is comatose at my house or something of that nature...

Come to find out it was only 5 stairs...not five FLIGHTS...

Still though she took a good spill...take a looksie at the poor ladies knee and thigh!

Turns out she has a bad bad sprain and got a nice ace wrap and some dad doesn't seem to be the greatest of all nurses (and I don't hold it against the poor guy) but this weekend I will be going home to hang out with her and take care of her!

Thats about the extent of my past couple days aside from work and sleep...

I hope everyone had a super fab Thanksgiving!

Tomorrow I plan on decorating my lil abode and will full document every part of it!

Peace out kiddos...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Apt May Burn Down...

So last night when I got home from work at midnight I walked into my apt and immediately wondered what the heck was on fire!

It smelled very strongly of smoke...especially in my utility room where my heater is...

I totally freaked out...

But not enough to get out right away...

I first ate my subway and googled some stuff about gas leaks and smoke and such...

When I googled smoke smell some paranormal website came up about ghosts being around when there is a strong smoke have to tell them to get out that only good spirits are welcome!

That one COMPLETELY freaked me out!

The other ones said that if its gas that I need to immediately evacuate with my family and pets and get to a safe location...dont use a cell phone, computer, or switch any switches or anything like that...

Well I read that as I was on my computer...texting people...and watching tv...and I hadn't exploded yet...

The smell didn't go away after an hour so I packed up Charli and headed to the car...called 411 about 8 times to try to get ahold of someone at 1am and waited patiently until 2am when the Columbia Gas company came...

He brought his little meter and assured me there was no gas or carbon monoxide...

Today it still smells slightly of smoke...I hope it doesn't explode while I'm at work...

How Precious!

So my dad sent me this video this morning and said it would brighten my day...its so adorable!!

Take a looksie!

How precious is that orangutan with his life jacket on!

I think its adorable that they became such good friends like that...

Let's just hope he doesn't turn out like that chimp that ate the ladies face!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving...

So this year instead of this...

I'll be hanging out here...

Now don't get me wrong...

I LOVE my job...

But this is my first Thanksgiving away from my family. :(

Thanksgiving isn't a huge holiday for us. We normally eat dinner at home or at the most go to my Grandma's with a couple other relatives...but it's still family time and I haven't been home to see the fam in awhile!

Tonight starts my long PICU stretch...let me just tell you my schedule...

Tonight (Tues) 7p-11p
Wed 7p-7a
Thurs 7p-7a
Fri 7p-7a
Sat 7p-7a
Sun 7p-11p

Prayin for some good nights with no craziness...which RARELY happens in the PICU...Just askin the big man upstairs to give me the strength to make it through this crazy schedule the next couple days....Next weekend I finally get to go home and hang out with the fam for a couple days and thats what I keep thinking about! That and the holiday pay and overtime I'll be making these next couple nights!

Everyone have a fabulous Thanksgiving and enjoy the good food and family time!!

PS I have to throw it out there that both pics were googled...they are neither my real family or a real patient of mine!

Monday, November 23, 2009

I Love Chikin

Very random...but I got some of this today for lunch...

And I must say they are just so gosh darn nice at Chick-fil-a!

The drive thru lady was just pleased to serve me and told me to have a pleasant day!

How can you beat delish chikin nuggets, a place that has diet Dr. Pepper...and super nice staff!

What a lovely lunch today!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Another Weekend in Pics!

So last weekend was my fab friend Tara's wedding in lovely Zainesville Ohio...and by lovely I mean awesome and by awesome I mean in the middle of nowhere with a bar full of townies lol!

Take a looksie!

The lovely bride and groom at the alter...then at the reception with their awesome bridal party! And then the fun begins...

Let the group photogs begin! First a lovely one with the groom...then the beautiful bride took time out for a PICU photo...before going into the reception we took a pretty pic outside...and of course we took a break from dancing for the obligatory "everyone squeeze yourself together so one of us can stick our arm out as far as it goes to get a group face shoot" pic!

In between group shots we also had tons of fun...fist pumping to some journey songs...Brandy buffing up her wedding favor to use on Theresa...the Bride and I looking awesome...and Brandy pretending to be a bridesmaid!

It was such a fabulous wedding and I am so happy for Tara and Ryan...and TERRIBLY jealous that they are on their honeymoon right now while I'm under blankets in Ohio!

FINALLY! Arizona in Pictures!

So I previously told you all about my fabulous trip to Phoenix with Missy and her friend Lauren...Missy finally posted her pics on facebook so get excited cuz now you get to see them toooooo!!

This was the AMAZING view right outside our hotel...I could get used to seeing that everyday when I stepped out my front door!

These are some pics with our new friend Kirk...he's an ER doc in the upper peninsula of Michigan...he came out with us on Friday night...the first pic is a round of Lemon Drops for Missy's birthday...Kirk now loves them! The second and third one is at Lodge where we ate din dine and got to try this new kind of whiskey made by Wild was tasty! Kirk was a fabulous time and stayed out with us until 2am...AND paid our tab at one of the bars!

Some more pics from going out that night...Missy showin some love...Lauren and I at the bar...and Missy picking the tiki guys nose at Drift.

And this was the FABULOUS Ohio State Alumni bar Eric told us about. It was packed for the game! We met a new friend to complete our OHIO...Missy and I got up on the bar to spin the wheel they have hanging up...and we got to pose on the red carpet before we walked in! It was so fun to watch the game there!!!

I love love love Phoenix and can't wait to find a reason to head back and play some more!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


So lets face it...there are cat people and dog people...I am a cat person...

I like dogs don't get me wrong but can't be responsible enough to take care of one...

When I moved into my old apt with my roomie I also got my very first very own cat Draco...

He was the coolest cat ever...everyone liked him!

On 11/13/08 he went to kitten heaven...I was beyond devastated!

Although I have Charli I still miss Draco tons and tons...

RIP Draco! You are still missed every single day!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I Survived....Again!

Well hopefully I am done with the dentist now for 6 months...

I did survive my second crazy appt thank goodness!

I came out feeling like my face was hit with a soccer ball! They had to do nerve blocks on the bottom so my tongue, cheek, and bottom lip all felt about 16 sizes bigger than normal!

I was supposed to have lunch with a friend after but that did not so much work out...instead I came home, slept, and now I feel ready to tackle my 3 night stint in the PICU!

Dentist Time Again!

So tomorrow morning I will be off to the dentist once poor lil teeth!

cavity Pictures, Images and Photos

Apparently I have a couple tiny cavities I need filled according to my trusty dental assistant Kelly...

They are on opposite sides of my mouth and since they are on the bottom they'll have to do a nerve block that will make my tongue, cheek and chin numb!

I'm gonna be a drooooooly mess!

Hopefully I will survive and be in an acceptable condition to go to work tomorrow night!

Wish me luck!!

PS I have another update coming soon hopefully about the completely FABULOUS wedding I was able to attend this past weekend!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Welp I survived my dentist appt. Thanks to my fabo friend Kelly!

She's the one that recommended I go to this office...cuz she works there of course!

She's also the one that did my filling and onlay and I don't think it could have gone any better!

I got to watch TLC the whole time and was even well enough to go to cornhole after...although I didn't risk drinkin anything for fear it would all just dribble out of my mouth!

We lost cornhole and my mouth started to hurt at the end of the night but I am feeling like 100 dollars this morning!

Thanks Kelly for making my GCFD experience marvelous!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Scardy Cat

Well I have to leave for the dentist here soon...

I have to say that the dentist is my least favorite health care professional to's something I completely DREAD doing!

This visit is all about the onlay which to my understanding is something along the lines of a mix between a filling and a crown...

They have to take out my old filling do some cleaning stuff and then put the onlay on's supposed to take about 2 hours...


I'm taking my iPod with me to listen to and then I have to go play cornhole afterwards...

Unless I end up like this...then I'm calling in reinforcements to pick me up and drop me off on my couch...

Wish me luck peeps!

Back to Reality...

So my Phoenix trip is dunzo...and I'm back in boring old O-H-I-O...

The trip was completely fantastic and I want to go back immediately!

The conference was was their first annual so I will cut them so slack.

It was def geared more towards docs then nurses so not much that we can go back to work and immediately institute...but I did learn a couple interesting things. Got to see lots of awesome pics of people bleeding and broken which would only interest a bunch of health care people....especially since the most graphic ones were right before we went to lunch!

The rest of the trip was just awesome...

Missy's birthday was Saturday so we celebrated all weekend for her!

Phoenix has a completely fabulous Ohio State bar that we went to on Saturday to watch the game...

It was called American Junkie and was just packed with OSU fans and decor including a huge blow up Brutus!

I just love having OSU alum alllll over the world and knowing that you can find fellow buckeyes to hang out with on a football was just like being in Columbus only sunny and 80 degrees!

My camera died and I forgot my charger so Missy was the picture soon as she posts the facebook pics I will give you a picture timeline of my fabulous trip!

Anyone wanna move out there with me?!?! We would come back to Ohio for the summer of course...I dont want to burn alive out there!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

New Teevee!

So I know this isn't a new show...but it's a new show to me



My little reality tv obsessed self just loves these kinds of shows!

People get so angry at the poor folks that work at the Philadelphia Parking Authority!

Just shows how down right stupid some Americans can be!

Tune into A&E to check it out man!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sunshine Here I Come!

So in t-minus some hours I will be boarding a plane to this lovely place...

My friend and fabulous co-worker Missy were lucky enough to win the drawing to go to an acute care/trauma conference in Scottsdale AZ!!

The conference is Thurs and Fri and we are also choosing to stay Fri and Sat night as well! I CANNOT wait!

Look at this awesome hotel/resort we get to stay in!

I'm so excited for sunshine, warm weather, awesome hotel, laying by a pool, saying hi to a friend, and i suppose learning about trauma and stuff!

We fly out Wed and fly back Sun...

I'll take lotsa pics and post when I return!