Wednesday, November 18, 2009


So lets face it...there are cat people and dog people...I am a cat person...

I like dogs don't get me wrong but can't be responsible enough to take care of one...

When I moved into my old apt with my roomie I also got my very first very own cat Draco...

He was the coolest cat ever...everyone liked him!

On 11/13/08 he went to kitten heaven...I was beyond devastated!

Although I have Charli I still miss Draco tons and tons...

RIP Draco! You are still missed every single day!


Jessica said...

:( I'm such a cat person. I'm sooo sorry to hear this... how sad! Hope his kitty Heaven is filled with lots of treats & yarn!

Britt said...

oh Draco!! i miss him too! he was a special little furball!