Monday, May 31, 2010

It's Getting Closer!!!

Sunday is the big day kids! I'll be flyin on a plane heading over the big blue ocean to begin my European Adventure!!

I am BEYOND excited!!

Pretty much everything is set aside from packing...which i'm still struggling a bit with...but it will get done!

I need to try to get 3 good runs in this week before I leave since I won't be running for probably about 2 weeks...that is going to be tough since I work the next 3 nights, volleyball on Thursday and then leaving for Cleveland on Friday!

I'll try to keep you peeps updated on my adventure!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Running Update...

So my running today was not quite this big of a fail but it surely was not my best run at all...

I tried my 25 minute run at Lane Rd. park this afternoon. I made it through 15 minutes and then had to walk for 1 min and 20 seconds. To be honest I didn't consciously stop running it's like my body just quit...I don't know what's wrong with me but damn is it frustrating!

B. Thomp made me feel a bit better afterwards by telling me I'm in fact not a failure. I still ran 15 solid minutes! She told me to try switching up my running stop which is some solid advice that I am definitely going to try on Thursday's run!

In the meantime I am going to rest up by watching DVR and working tomorrow night!

Peace out Kids!

My New Faves!

Let me just rave about two new beauty products that I have been using...numero uno is this beauty...

This eye make up remover is the best best best I have EVER used! I love the fact that it is a lotion instead of an oily liquid. I just dab a bit on a cotton ball, rub into my eyes and badda boom everything is gone and my eyes are nice and hydrated. It's simply lovely!

This Olay Clarify and Cleanse has become my new daily face wash. I use it in conjunction with Olay daily moisturizer. My face has started randomly breaking out (prolly due to stress and masks at work and all that fun stuff). This gem of a product has given me a noticeable difference in my skin and it doesn't dry it out like some blemish fighting products do! I just love it!

No Ice Cream From This Truck!

Let me just show you what I saw on my last day in Canton while waiting at a stoplight...

Really??? I don't think I would ever let my child buy ice cream from a van that looks like this! I'm pretty positive that there is a child molester inside. He just slapped on some grey spray paint and some pics of ice cream and called it a day....freaky!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Weekend Failure!

So I came to Canton on Saturday... (was supposed to come Friday but couldn't turn down a trip to the Big Bang with some cool work peeps!) But yeah my sister was graduating high school on Sunday and I had to be there for her big day!

All in all the weekend was a success...

Pa and I did a lil car shoppin and I found a lovely Honda CR-V that I want to be allllll mine!

There was minimal family can never be fully drama free of course

Hannah graduated and the ceremony was not as awful as it could have been although someone did shake a baby at one point and I kind of freaked out...

I got to eat Handels cotton candy ice cream

Got to get a haircut and manicure by my sister Holly

Did some shopping and bought some cute new shirts

Got to watch my sisters play softball

Got to spend some QT with the ma....

With all that awesomeness there was one major run...

It sucked...big time...

Last time I tried to run in Canton, I went through the neighborhood and it did not go this time I decided to drive down to Sippo lake and try out one of their trails...BAD IDEA!

I wasn't at all familiar with the trail which sucked....there were ugly was wicked hot outside...and I was running alone so I had no one there to push me and make me keep going...

I have discovered as we get into the longer runs that I suck at running by myself. I quit too easily and have a very hard time pushing myself!

Today I ran about 13 minutes and then quite aside from little like 20 seconds bursts of energy I got...I was supposed to run for a solid 25 minutes :(

Again...I can't let this discourage me...I work tomorrow night so Tuesday I WILL GO RUNNING AGAIN! And I WILL RUN 25 MINUTES!! I think I need to start chanting "Pain is temporary...quitting lasts forever..." I read it in another blog and like the sound of it...I need to stop being a quitter gosh darnit!

I think that is all my ranting for now....Gots to get some sleep so I can drive back to the bus tomorrow before work!

Peace out kids!

Monday, May 17, 2010

I Feel Fan Freakin TASTIC!!!

Yesterday was MONUMENTAL for me! Well for both B and I!

WE RAN 25 MIN!!! 25 MIN!!

Who knew that two of the biggest couch potatoes you have ever met would be running 25 minutes without stopping?!?! Seriously...B and I both have a very unhealthy relationship with our couches...and I don't think either one of us is afraid to admit it...B if you are I'm sorry I just outed your secret!

BUT we can now say that we are It's ok to love our couches cuz at least we are getting off them to get moving!

I could go on and on and on about how much I love this couch to 5K program but that would just get boring...If you know me and you hear that I ran for 25 min you would know that this program is just amazing...never have I ever been able to stick with any kind of exercising before and I have been doing this program now for going on 7 weeks!!

The numbers on the scale are saying I haven't lost any weight but frankly right now I'm ok with that...I feel soooo much better about myself! I don't feel like I don't get tired as much doing things anymore and I'm able to recover better after my runs. Yesterday my legs were EXHAUSTED after that run, but I wasn't gasping for air and on the ride home aside from the tired legs I felt great! I did walk for a couple seconds here and there...especially up the steep inclines, but gosh darnit I did it!!

I got to celebrate my awesome run by going to see these awesome peeps sing last night!

Nothing like some fabulous live country music to start off the summer season and end my monumental day! LOVEDDDDD IT!!! And so happy that B and I are doing it together!

Now it's back to reality getting laundry done and preparing for my 3 night work stretch!

Peace out Kids!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Universe Loved Me Yesterday...Kind Of...

Sooooooo yesterday upon walking into work I was greeted with the most fabulous surprise EVER!


At work we play the pick 3 tell the unit secretary the number you want to her each month (25 cent per day)...and she checks the numbers in the afternoon and evening against the real pick 3 lottery and if someone's number comes up...they win!

We have about 27 people that are currently in the lottery and we hadn't had a winner in awhile so I won 581 buck-a-roos!!!

Remember that plane ticket I had to buy to get out of Texas???? PAID FOR BABY!!!

Not exactly what I would have liked to spend most of my winnings on but hey now it's paid for!

So I thought the universe loved me....until I got my patient assignment...and then at 1am when my patient went down the crapper and I proceeded to run my arse off and not get to leave work till 9am I knew the universe was laughing in my face...

Thanks universe...

But thanks even more pick 3 lotto!! I'm still a happy happy girl...just with really tired legs...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Just a F*%&^*$ Manic Monday...

Alright kids sit back and get ready to hear about my crazy manic monday...or my whole weekend for that matter...let's just make it a list of the good bad and ugly...

The Good

~I got to visit Riz who I haven't seen in like a year
~I got to lay by the pool in Texas when everyone in Ohio was miserable in the rain and wind
~Riz and I reminisced about all the amazing college memories we had...while drinking a variety 6 pack of beer.
~Linds and I got nice relaxing mani/pedi's on our little vaca
~I made it back to Columbus in time to see some fab gals from nursing school...along with a delish Panera lunch
~Britt and I OWNED our run today even though we both weren't feeling it at first...we even did 2 legs are sleeeeepy.
~And just to list again that I got to see Riz...I freakin miss that girl and even though the trip ended with a terrible airport experience I can't wait to go back and see her again!

The Bad and Ugly

It's really just one thing...AirTran royally screwed me over this morning at the Houston airport...

Riz dropped me off at a very reasonable time for my 6:25am soon as I walked in the door I knew it was gonna be downhill from there...the security line was the longest I have ever seen in all my life...

Needless to say we (and by we I mean the 5 other people right around me in the security line that were also on my flight) got put to the front of the security line and hauled ass to our gate...

We get to the gate and an AirTran employee comes lumbering up the tunnel and out of the door closing it behind her to inform us (and by us I mean the now 15 passengers that all just got to the gate including a couple with a baby!) that we have missed the flight and it is policy to close the door 10 minutes before the flight is due to leave...


Instead she proceeds to tap tap tap away on her keyboard to try...and get us out of Houston in a timely manner...never making eye contact with any of we wave goodbye to the plane that we should be on....because yes we stood there for a good 5 minutes staring at the plane before it actually left the gate...

Needless to say AirTran could not get me back to Columbus today and I went to the amazingly nice Southwest people, handed over my credit card, and cried as they swiped it and I paid double the price of my roundtrip ticket for a one way ticket back to the Bus...

There was a lot of crying involved, lots of phone calls back and forth to the parents and Riz, and lots of wandering around the airport...

It's over now and I can't dwell on the fact that my credit card payoff plan just got set back 4 months...I'm home and can get to work tomorrow and I will still go visit Riz...I'll just fly Southwest next time...

Now I have to work on my complaint to AirTran so I can get some comp for this mess...

BUT did I mention that I ran 2 miles today?!?!?

Glad to be back in the Bus but I do miss ya Riz...Can't wait to come visit you again!! Please come to Columbus this summer and play some volleyball with me...

That is all...these tired legs are going to sleeeeeep! Sorry for the rambling...I just needed to vent!

Peace out kids!

Happy "Late" Mother's Day!

My mama is awesome...that's the only way to put it...

She has put up with way more than she ever should and does it...for the most part...with a smile on her face :)

She will drop everything she's doing to do something for someone in her family...

She's taught me more in life than she will probably ever know and no amount of greeting cards or gifts will ever truly express how much she means to me.

Love ya ma and I'm sorry I wasn't there to spend the day with you!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I'm A Runner!!

Ladies and Gents according to my nice British running coach I can now consider myself a runner!

I ran for 20 minutes today! She said that since I did that much time without interruption I can call myself a runner...

I will admit I walked up some of the steep inclines and and randomly walked for about 15 seconds at one point but still something around 18 min is impressive for me!

I was dying by the end and I have no idea how fast I actually ran but I don't care...I DID IT!!!

I just can't rave about this program enough...If it can work for B and I (no offense B) it can work for just about anyone! I would have never thought we would be to a point where we are running for 20 minutes at a time!!

Next week its back to a couple 8 and 5 min run so we will see if I can work up some speed...

Until then I'm off to pack for Texas to see one of the faves for the weekend!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

8-5-8 Baby!!


I was super nervous that I wouldn't be able to last 8 min but holy crap I did it!

B. Thomp and I went to a lovely park and took off around the perimeter. I think B found out that it was about 1.5 miles around and we did about an 11 min mile...


I felt completely FABULOUS afterwards and cannot believe how far I have come since week one!

This program is just fantastic!

According to the program I'm supposed to run for 20 min next however I just don't know that I'm ready for that and don't want to disappoint myself yet so I think I'll do another 8-5-8 on Thursday...

As for right now I'm using my night off to be lazy and catch up on some DVR so peace out kids!