Sunday, July 19, 2009

Britt's Survey

Ok so I finally made it home from PIB and am completely worn out after the fabulous bachelorette party weekend...

Which I can write all about later

Now its time to start on that checklist of mine...

First up the survey Britt posted in her blog a couple days ago...

1. What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now? Oil of Olay Tone Enhancing stuff...I splurged and now love it!
2. Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator? Surely do not
3. Is there anything moldy in your refrigerator? Nopers....just moved so its all nice and clean in there!
4. Are there any dirty dishes in your sink? A bowl and spoon
5. What would you change about your living room? How bout adding some furniture instead of boxes
6. Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty? No dishes in there right now
7. Do you have a can of mushrooms in your pantry? I don't eat fungus...why would I have it in my cabinets?
8. White or wheat bread? Wheat please
9. What is on top of your refrigerator? Some mini boxes of cereal and my broken ceramic cowboy boot that I need to put back together...
10. What color is your sofa? When it arrives on Tuesday it will be a tan color microfiber
11. What color or design is on your shower curtain? Stripes of the coral, pink, and white variety
12. How many plants are in your home? None yet but I want one or two!
13. How many candles are in your home? A lot
14. Is your bed made right now? For the most part
15. If you have a coffee pot, what color is it? Don't have one
16. Electric or standard can opener? Just a standard one
17. Theme in your living room? Right now it's cardboard...
18. Colors in the bedroom? White walls, black and white bedding and ugly cheap laminate furniture
19. Colors of your bathroom? Coral, pink, orange, white
20. Comet or Soft Scrub? I use a little variety of cleaning products in my bathroom
21. Is your closet organized? Yes...only because I just moved though
22. What color is the flashlight that you use the most? I don't use a flashlight often but I have a black one and a yellow one
23. What kinds of things are in your junk drawer? I was just talking about how I wish I had a junk drawer but it does not exist
24. Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home? I have a good mix of glass and plastic cups...whatever is clean and handy
25. Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now? Me no likey iced tea
26. If you have a garage, is it cluttered? No garage here!
27. Curtains or blinds? Blinds came with the apt but I wish I had curtains
28. How many pillows do you sleep with? 4...two on each side...
29. Do you sleep with any lights on at night? Does the TV count?
30. How many ceiling fans are in your home? Nada
31. How often do you vacuum? At least once a week as well but with a cat sometimes more often
32. Standard toothbrush or electric? I switched back to standard...i didn't see a difference with electric
33. What color is your toothbrush? Pink and white
34. Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch? I don't really have a front porch but I want to get one for outside my door
35. What is in your oven right now? Not a thing
36. Is your microwave clean or dirty? Pretty clean
37. Is there anything under your bed? An under the bed storage container and a bag full of bags
38. Chore you hate doing the most? Putting away laundry
39. What retro items are in your home? The ugly puke colored appliances
40. Do you have a separate room that you use as an office? Surely do not
41. If you have a yard, who mows it? I live in an apt complex...I have no grass to call all my own
42. Is there anything on your kitchen floor right now? Nope...just the tile
43. How many mirrors are in your home? 3 big ones and a small hand held
44. Do you have any hidden emergency money around your home? I have cash in my wallet and thats a big deal for me
45. What color are your walls? Ugly white
46. Which rooms in your house have wallpaper? None
47. Do you have a peephole in your front door? I do I do!
48. Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home? A fireplace poker by my bed...had to give up the was my roomies
49. What does your home smell like right now? Some kind of breezy smell...and cardboard
50. Fave candle scent? Pumpkin and anything fall like...or clean smelling
51. What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now? Pickles are nasty
52. What color is your Bible? My regular bible is white
53. Do you have plenty of cabinet space in your kitchen? Cabinet space yes I think far....drawer space no
54. Do you own a stereo? I do...but it's for sale on craigs list...anyone want it??
55. How many tvs do you have? 2
56. How many house phones? Zippo
57. Do you have a housekeeper? Nah...I don't mind cleaning my small lil abode
58. Do you like solid colors in furniture or prints? Depends on the print
59. Is there a smoke detector in your home? Of course!
60. In case of fire, what are the items you would grab if you only could make one quick trip? Charli, computer, purse, and I would prolly try to just start throwing other things out on my patio to save them
61. Do you know how to work your electrical box? If I have to I can figure it out
62. What temperature in your home is most comfortable to you? Cold...I like blankets and sleeping in the cold!

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