Sunday, May 24, 2009

Holly's Bachelorette Party!

So this weekend my sisters and fellow bridesmaids traveled to Columbus for Holly's bachelorette party. I was a little iffy about it at first for one reason...

It was a sober event

Now before you all think I'm an alcoholic let me just say that is not the case, although I have never heard of a sober bachelorette party.

I just sometimes don't think I really fit in with Holly's friends but nonetheless we had a fabulous time.

We had dinner at the cheesecake factory...

Holly got a free bachelorette sundae!

Walked around Easton a bit...

Played some games at Easton and won Holly the Wizard of Oz version of Monopoly...

Ate some dessert poolside at the Hilton

Went back to the room for some more fun...including getting yelled at by security for being too loud...

And took a last shot before the girls left town

All in all it was a great girls night and we actually had a lot of fun! No alcohol needed!

So excited for my lil sister! Just a couple more weeks as a single lady!

1 comment:

Kate said...

That's my kind of bachelorette party!