Sunday, May 3, 2009

New Lingo!

So last night...or this morning...I had quite an interesting convo with a co-worker...granted it was around 5am and we were just ready to get the heck outta dodge but it was pretty interesting.

Me: So Tara do you want to come out with Missy and I to celebrate Cinco De Mayo?

Tara: Well I don't know I live pretty far away

Me: That's no could at least come out to get lunch with us!

Tara: Well it is pre-hump day I guess

Me (laughing): And who doesn't want to celebrate pre-humping!

Tara: I do love to pre-hump!

Me: Oh me too...I did some pre-humping in Chicago! It's a good time! Wait we are just talking about making out right???

Tara (laughing): Well I think so??

And there you have it kids...the new word on the street for make out...pre-hump

Spread it like wild fire!

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