Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Oh the Joys of Being a Nurse!

So I'm a nurse...I went to nursing school and learned all kinds of nursy things...

I've been a nurse now for about a year and I chose to specialize in lil kids...specifically the super sick ones in the ICU...

SOMEHOW having letters after my name means that everyone and their grandma has to ask me questions about every little bump, bruise, ache, pain, burn, inflammation, or stone that they may have...let me tell you peeps something...

I most likely do NOT know the answer!

Let me give you some examples...

My dad's friend called me a couple of months ago...during the day while I was sleeping before work mind you..."Heather I went to the doctor the other day about my kidney stones and they were telling me stuff and I brought the x-rays they took home. I dropped them off with your dad and thought you could look at them next time you're home and tell me if you can see them and what you think..." Holy crap! First of all I didn't go to school to be a radiologist...I can't read x-rays to save a life unless there is a blatantly broken bone...second not many kiddos in the PICU get kidney stones that we have to worry about so I have no idea what to do about them...thirdly what do you want me to say??? Yup you have stones...good luck passing those!!

My friend calls me tonight and we chat for a bit and are about to hang up when she says hey wait a sec I have a question..."So you know those lymph nodes you have in your pelvis...." (I had no idea you had lymph nodes in your pelvis) "Well mine are really inflamed and I'm not sure if its a side effect of this cream or not...I asked the pharmacist when I went to the store and he looked at me like I was crazy" WELLLLL I think your crazy too!! Why do you ask me these things??? To me it probably means you have cancer and better start checking off your bucket list your doctor that prescribed you the cream and that knows more about your pelvis then I ever will! Silly friend! I still heart you no worries...

These are two of the best questions so far...but this is not to discount the many many calls, texts, and other questions I get about people's runny nose, hurt foot, burnt hand, bellyache, and other ailments that come about that I am expected to diagnose. Don't get me wrong I love my fam and friends but people I didn't go to school to diagnose...I follow doctors orders and most of my kids have much bigger issues then a runny nose or belly ache. Next time your kid falls down the basement steps and lands on their head or starts breathing 100 times a minute then give me a call and I may be able to help!

Just my lil rant...I will still expect the crazy questions and to be honest it makes me laugh and I don't mind it...but just be may be the topic of my next blog post!

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