Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Yay Jillian!!

So I finally watched the second part of "After the Final Rose." I'm just not sure how I feel about it. I really liked Jason in the beginning and I understand he had to follow his heart but why dump Mel on national TV??? Sad day for her...I hope he and Molly have a nice little life together...

The best part of the whole show was when they brought this gal back out...

THE NEW BACHELORETTE!!! I could not be happier about ABC's decision to make her the bachelorette! I think she is a fabulous Canadian chic and will make a super fab bachelorette! I will most def be addicted to the Bachelorette for sure! I was sad for Jillian when Jason said peace out to her. I am glad she has a chance to find her one true love in life.

Hahaha as if these people really find their true love..I don't believe for a second that you can fall in love on national tv in that short of a time period...

However I will continue to watch/record every episode...

1 comment:

Annie A said...

You wrote chic to probably mean chick, no biggie, but at first I thought it said Canadian chic, stylish fashionista. I like the phrase, Canadian sheek (chic). AND IM THRILLED THAT YOU HAVE A BLOG!!!